Monday 30 March 2020

QO-100 VFO display for Elecraft K3s and Yaesu FT817

I've been using SDR-Console to listen to QO100 and now I've almost completed my uplink equipment I want some way of seeing what the uplink frequency should be when tuned to a particular downlink one so I knocked up a quick Python script to show me what the uplink and downlink frequency would be when tuning my Elecraft K3s or FT817.

To use it you'll need Python 3 with PyQt5 and PySerial installed.   

Edit the config.ini and set the LO in Hertz which in my case was my 70cm so 432000000


[CONFIG] LO = 432000000 PORT = COM10 BAUD = 38400 POLL = 0.01 RIG = K3S

To start the application from the command line do. 


If that'll be useful you can download the software from GitHub.